The Heroine’s Journey of Mary Ann Bernal

What is the best thing that I love about my work? I love being able to share my passion for history, breathing life into ancient characters and reminding the modern reader that they were just like us.

What is my idea of perfect happiness? Perfect happiness is being at peace with one’s self as you tackle the challenges of life.

What is my greatest fear? Having hatred and violence escalate into another world war.

What is the trait that I most deplore in myself? Lack of patience, but I’m working on that.

What is my greatest extravagance? Owning DVDs of my favorite TV shows and movies; I just “have to have them!” I especially love the behind the scenes extras, enlightening harmless gossip while enjoying a bowl of popcorn.

On what occasion would I lie? Only little white lies to keep feelings from being hurt, but I’d rather not say anything than to fib.

What is the influence of role models, in my work and in my life? Strong women, such as Eleanor of Aquitaine (a woman before her time) and Margaret Thatcher made it clear that a woman could do anything they set their mind to. If you perceive it, and believe it, it will happen, but you need to apply yourself.

What is the thing that I dislike the most in my work? Not reaching my word count total for the day. Am working on taking off the pressure, since I’m supposed to be having fun.

When and where was I the happiest, in my work? Working in my home office is perfect, but I was ecstatic when I finally had the chance to visit some of the places referenced in my novels. Roaming castle ruins and taking pictures from the battlements was breathtaking, and I have the 1,000 photos to prove it.

If I could, what would I change about myself? I think I’m okay the way I am, but am still trying to master patience.

What is my greatest achievement in work? Publishing The Briton and the Dane trilogy, my “Erik the Viking” novel that was born in my mind’s eye while in high school. Finding the time to write was placed on the back burner for years, but perseverance pays off, and 400,000 words later, the story was finally told.

What is my most inspirational location, in my city? Joslyn Castle, a little bit of Europe located in the American Midwest.

What is my favorite place to eat and drink, in my city? PF Changs to satisfy my love of Chinese Food and Red Lobster, to quench my seafood cravings.

Who is my greatest fan, sponsor, partner in crime? My loving son and his family have always been supportive. As far as partners-in crime go, my friends, Diane Boni and Holliday Franger, have been with me on my writing journey since day one.

Whom would I like to work with in the future? Over the years, I’ve been fortunate to befriend numerous authors; that being said, I enjoy working with Elisabeth Marrion, K. Meador and Brenda Perlin.

What project, in the nearby future, am I looking forward to work on? Currently, my talented producer, Sebastian Lockwood, is creating the audio book for The Briton and the Dane: Birthright. Once this project is completed, he will produce the final story in the series, The Briton and the Dane: Legacy

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