The Heroine’s Journey of Cynthia VandenBor

What is the best thing that I love about my work?

The need to create is a primal feeling and filling my days with creating art, gives me ultimate freedom because I live my life closest to who I really am, to my basic needs in a spiritual way. If nobody would buy my art, I would still be creating it.

What is my idea of perfect happiness?

Living in peace with yourself and others.

What is my greatest fear?

Losing my freedom both physically and mentally. Perhaps that is the reason I paint birdwomen, they feel free enough to walk in the nude but they aren’t able to fly physically with their down feathers and feathered fingers.

What is the trait that I most deplore in myself?

The need to control things, because I’m a perfectionista. But I’m working on that.

Which living persons in my profession do i most admire?

I admire artists who follow their own path, despite the criticism of colleagues or so called art connoisseurs.

What is my greatest extravagance?

I like working at night when the world is quiet

On what occasion would I lie?

I only lie when I don’t want to upset someone.

What is the thing that I dislike the most in my work?

Although I know it is very important, I don’t like to show up at events to promote my name and my work.

When and where was I the happiest, in my work?

When I started painting about 12 years ago, the only wish I had was to develop myself. I wasn’t thinking of money or acceptance. I was just practising and I loved it. I enjoyed this stage for 2 years.

If I could, what would I change about myself?

I don’t feel the need to change anything. I’m very content with myself…well okay, I’m still working on my perfectionism.

What is my greatest achievement in work?

I have an artstudio in an elementary school for 10 years now.

Where would I most like to live?

The Netherlands is a great country which I love very much but I prefer living in a sunnier place. So I can paint outdoors every day.

What is my most treasured possession?

I’m not possessed with material things so I would say my health.

What is my most marked characteristic?

I always want to see good and positive things, I try to see things in perspective.

What is my most inspirational location, in my city?

In Rotterdam with its modern architecture there are a lot of inspiring buildings and bridges, like the Market Hall and the Swann (Erasmus bridge)

What is my favourite place to eat and drink, in my city?

I love going to Spirit, a buffet for vegans and vegetarians with light healthy food.

What books influenced my life and how?

All the ‘White Eagle’ books and ‘Het licht zal je bevrijden’ by Norma Milanovich and Shirley McCune It’s about the universal laws for spiritual growth

Who are my favorite writers?

My favourite writers are Clive Barker (Abarat) and George R.R. Martin (Fevre Dream , Game of thrones)

You Only Die Once. What music would I listen on my last day?

GreenDay (Good riddance) and Tracy Chapman (I did it all)

Who is my hero or heroine in fiction?

Candy Quackenbush (main character in Clive Barkers Abarat)

Who are my heroes and heroines in real life?

People who dare to stand up against governments and regimes to help children and animals.

Which movie would i recommend to see once in a lifetime?

‘A walk in the clouds’ because of the beautiful scenery

What role plays art in my life and work?

Art is the cultural contribution to civilisation. To me it is most of all inspiring.

Who is my greatest fan, sponsor, partner in crime?

My husband, he supports me like he’s my greatest fan and he gives me space to develop myself.

Whom would I like to work with in 2017?

I would like to work with a talented tailor who can help me in a sincere way to move on with a new project.

What project, in 2017, am I looking forward to work on?

A birdwoman clothing-line

Where can you see me or my work in 2017? You can see my works on the internet or Facebook: cynthiavandenborART or you can see my artworks at several galleries, for example Gallery Art Fusion in Amsterdam

What do the words “Passion Never Retires” mean to me?

Passion is a primal feeling, so it never stops.

Which creative heroines should Peter invite to tell their story?

Lilian Steenhuisen (sculptures) and Ankie Wessels (Rubbish Design)

How can you contact me? You can contact me by email: or via Facebook

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