The Heroine’s Journey of Hellene S. Fromm

What is the best thing that I love about my work? Writing is my most beautiful and difficult ability. I feel that every time I put out a paper of something, an article, a poem or just a simple comment in social media I have a choice: give to the world the best of me or the worst of me. The incredible of this whole world of words is when my darkest part appears  writing gives me the chance to resignify the feelings and to transform it in art, in a beginner of something else, in a change of pattern.
What is my idea of perfect happiness? The day I achieve a harmonious alignment between my thinking, my feeling and my acting. The existence of harmony between these levels, without my own judgment being predominant of any of them, is my ideal of happiness.
What is my greatest fear? To end my existence without being faithful to me, and when I mention this fidelity, I mean full awareness of my actions, allowing myself to be happy and show love, no matter what.
What is the trait that I most deplore in myself? I think to much … and I think (see?!) that this too much thinking overwhelm my freedom and my spontaneity.
Which living persons in my profession do I most admire? From a writing perspective I do admire the way Ana Claudia Quintana Arantes writes and how she dance with the words and as psychoanalyst Julieta Jerusalinsky and Julio Cesar Nascimento. Not to mention Satish Kumar and your real passion about education and how we must connect spirituality, heart, hand and soil to rebuild the way we share knowledge.
What is my greatest extravagance? I could not make it yet but, it would be a retreat at my Guru’s Ashram in India. I have another one (but this one I’ll start this summer!! Yeah!!) have piano lessons to play better at the Harmonium.
On what occasion I would lie? To protect an human life in a dangerous situation.
What is the thing that I dislike the most in my work? Sometimes I feel a kind of disconnection with the creativity inside me. The curious thing about it is that this lack of creativity or will of writing is my measurement of how disconnected I am with my inner self, with my meditation practice and the beauty of everything.
If I could, what would I change about myself? I wish I could not care too much.
What is my greatest achievement in work? The day I release my book was incredible amazing! To write a book, release it, receive messages from unknow people saying how I’ve touched their lives, priceless.
Where would I most like to live? I already lived in a lot of places. The beginning is always full of obstacles and new learnings but, having this experience I would say that I do love where I’m know, wherever it be.
What is my most treasure possession? The experiences I had, the knowledge I received and the daily selfcare I devote to myself.
What is my most marked characteristic? I like to hear people, I like to know their history, their fears, what makes them happy. I like to hear people looking into their eyes.
What is my favorite place to eat or drink, in my city? I’m living in Buenos Aires since September, 2017. I have a lot of thing to discover but until today it’s a little and cool restaurant called Milo.
What books influenced my life and how? Oh my God, that’s a very difficult question. I read so much and in a such variety of things that’s it’s hard to select just a few … Thinking 3 of them in three different phases of life: As a teenager “The unbearable lightness of Being” – Milan Kundera, taught my about pursue what I want. When I decided to make University again: Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego – Sigmund Freud, taught how to be honest with myself and understand when I’m following a herd and the last touchable one: Gratitude – Oliver Sacks … never is to late to start showing it.
Who are my favorite writers? Vinicius de Moraes, Augusto dos Anjos, Freud, Clarisse Lispector, Adelia Prado, Humberto Eco, Hèléne Berr, Rudolf Steiner, Paramahansa Yogananda, Salman Rushdie, Simone Beauvoir, Ana Claudia Arantes.
You only die once. What music would I listen on my last day? A very beautiful and lovely Mantra called Divina Mãe sang by my beloved meditation sister Jañada.
Who is my hero or heroine in fiction? I’m inspired for so many real life heroes and heroines!! What a difficult question! But, well … I just watched a Netflix serie and I became so inspired about Juana Ines de Asbaje a woman ahead of you time and full of will to know about things and also an incredible poetess.
Who are my heroes and heroines in real life? My mother, my two daughters, my husband (Rudolf) and my beloved Guru Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Amma).
Which movie would I recommend to see once in a life time? Fried green tomatoes and the documentary Human.
What roles play Arts in my life and work? Essential. First of all the art of Nature, the complex and variations of greens you can see in a forest, the beautiful and infinite calm and deep blue you can see in the sky and in the sea. As would say the Mexican painter Angel Zárraga: “Serve us nature!  To document us, to be able to choose in it the elements that most respond to our inner kingdom”. Art is in everything for me,  in my inspiration and creation.
Who is my greatest fan, sponsor, partner in crime? Myself, my daughters, my husban and a few loved friends.
Whom would I like to work with in 2018? Voicers Team, a new partnership with the designer Ana Palu and Gisele Mirabai as editor of my new book.
What project, in 2018, am looking forward to work on?A new book, a novel.
Where can you see me or my work in 2018?
At my blog: (only in Portuguese)
At Facebook: (I do post my poetry as “public posts”)
What do the words “Passion never retires” mean to me? Passion is the fuel of a human soul, not a passion as we usually know in a romantic relationship but passion as a flow state. As far as my thinking, my feeling and my action could exist, it’ll be passion in my writing and in the way I try to see people and the world, everyday, even the days I can not make for some reason.
Which creative heroines should Peter invite to tell their story?
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