The Heroine’s Journey of Gretchen Dreisbach

What is the best thing that I love about my work? Co-Creating Art Beings with SPIRIT! I LOVE Creating with Color! Texture! Line! Composition! Conducting a Visual Orchestra! The Visual Vibration of LOVE! I Love tapping into Pure Potential Infinite Possibilities!

What is my idea of happiness? Following your JOY! It is our Birthright NO MATTER! For me it is being with my children, family, friends, Creating Art, being with Gaia in ALL of her glory. ALL Life is JOY and WONDER!

What is my greatest fear? Fear is an illusion. I choose to see and be ONLY LOVE!

What is the trait that I most deplore in myself? Nothing. I LOVE Myself and Others unconditionally, UN – conditional means unconditional!

Which living persons in my profession do i most admire? I Honor and Respect ALL. A Living Treasure is Roman Verostko – my friend, professor, and mentor.

What is my greatest extravagance? To Envelope myself in Finery: I Deserve it, we ALL do!

On what occasion would I lie? I would never lie; it would distort my fractal pattern.

What is the thing that I dislike the most in my work? The marketing aspect isn’t so fun. My Gift, Service and JOY is Creating the Art!

When and where was I the happiest, in my work? My Studio of 27 years has been my Harmonics Chamber, My Sanctuary and Now I am Ready for the New!

If I could, what would I change about myself? Nothing, I AM Perfect as God is Perfect! All Are! Truths be Restored!

What is my greatest achievement in work? Never giving up on Following my JOY and my DREAMS!

Where would I most like to live? By the ocean – perhaps New York or Miami

What is my most treasured possession? I possess nothing. I Honor ALL that is in my Realm of Focus.

What is my most marked characteristic? None – ALL have purpose.

What is my most inspirational location, in my city? The Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, MN, USA have SO much bounty to enjoy! I LOVE our lakes and the Mighty Mississippi River!

What is my favorite place to eat and drink, in my city? There are so many wonderful options to choose from! I ENJOY them all!

What books influenced my life and how? ‘The Agony and the Ecstasy’ by Irving Stone on Michelangelo Buonarotti. ‘Lust for Life’ by Irving Stone on Vincent Van Gogh & never giving up

You Only Die Once. What music would I listen on my last day? Death is an Illusion, Spirit never dies. I would probably listen to Gaia’s Heartbeat (music of the Spheres), during transition

Who is my hero or heroine in fiction? I GIVE ALL OF THE GLORY TO GOD

Who are my heroes and heroines in real life? Me, I am My OWN Heroine. I AM A MIRACLE and the Miracle is LOVE.

Which movie would i recommend to see once in a lifetime? Tree of Life – the 2011 American experimental epic drama film

What role plays art in my life and work? Art is My Life! Art is LOVE! I AM LOVE!

What do the words ‘You are the storyteller of your own life’ to me? We are Co-Creators of Our Own Experience – Whatever We Feed Grows! I CHOOSE JOY! LOVE! ABUNDANCE! UNITY!

Who is my greatest fan, sponsor, partner in crime? My beloved daughter has been my agent and partner!

Which people or companies would I like to work with in 2020? DLR Group, The Vatican, The Met, Hirshorn, Alserkals, The Guggenheim, The Whitney, MOMA, Louvre, Louvre Abudhabi

What project, in 2020, am I looking forward to work on? I AM Ready to Paint a Cathedral! An Arena!

Where can you see me or my work in 2020? In this virtual exhibition

What do the words “Passion Never Retires” mean to me? Artists do not retire. Art IS LIFE.

Which creative heroines should Peter invite to tell their story? Staci Patton, Petra Bernstein, Dr. Mel Krug, Alina Panduru, Rosemary Penrose, Fatemeh Hemmati, Behnazkoohany

How can you contact me?

phone: 1-651-341-5197


Youtube Video about me and my work Link:

Here follows a message of Peter de Kuster, founder of The Heroine’s Journey 


Are you a creative leader or creative professional looking to develop your business skills and storytelling?

Amidst today’s uncertainty, it is more important than ever to reconnect with yourself and others, develop your creative business, and build your story. Dive deep into your unique business style and areas for growth with the coaching of Peter de Kuster.


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    You are a creative leader or creative professional  who is interested in developing yourself, your business, and your story.

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    You are aware that there are no quick fixes. Learning is a journey that works when you are fully committed to it. Coaching can bring awareness and help you navigate, but in the end it’s you who is in charge of your growth.

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    You want to learn more about how to resource yourself, learn about blind spots, and get feedback.

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    You are curious and want to engage in online learning.

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    You are motivated to work in-between sessions on yourself (e.g. working on homework assignments that will help you develop new storytelling, skills, and behaviors).


The Heroine’s Journey Coaching is all about your development. To make the most out of your sessions, we ask you to prepare topics to work on with Peter. These topics can serve as a starting point for further in-depth exploration with Peter.

These coaching topics typically resonate with the creative leaders Peter works with:

How can i tell the most powerful story possible about myself and my creative business?

How can I handle self promotion and marketing of my creative business better?

How do can I stay authentic and with focus when having difficult conversations with potential clients?

What are my creative values and how do I align these with my business values?

How can I manage my time and energy better?

How can I radiate confidence to my clients while feeling anxious inside?

How can I steer myself towards creative excellence without becoming rigid?

About Peter de Kuster

Peter de Kuster is the founder of The Heroine’s Journey & Hero’s Journey project,  a storytelling firm which helps creative professionals to create careers and lives based on whatever story is most integral to their lives and careers (values, traits, skills and experiences). Peter’s approach combines in-depth storytelling and marketing expertise, and for over 20 years clients have found it effective with a wide range of creative business issues.


Peter is writer of the series The Heroine’s Journey and Hero’s Journey books, he has an MBA in Marketing,  MBA in Financial Economics and graduated at university in Sociology and Communication Sciences.

individual coaching for leaders


The Heroine’s Journey Coaching online sessions last 50 minutes and the fee is Euro 189 excluding VAT per session. The Heroine’s Journey Coaching is suitable for people at any stage in their career.


Who can sign up for The Heroine’s Journey online coaching?

Creative leaders and creative professionals who wish to improve their business story and develop their business skills and mindset.

Should I choose 1:1 coaching?

Our The Heroine’s Journey experiences in world cities allow you to learn not only from the coach but also from your peers. For the small group coaching (1 – 4 people), we have selected important, relevant topics that we find regularly come up for creative professional: purpose, storytelling, creative confidence, self promotion, time & money and resilience.

If you would prefer to work alone or on a different topic, individual coaching is a better fit for you.

What language do we speak in the coaching sessions?


Can I buy coaching for my organization?

Yes, you can! We support many organizations around the world with their coaching needs. Please contact us for more information.

Can I bring my own topics?

Yes, for individual coaching you get to choose your own topic.

Are coaching sessions confidential?

Yes. Peter will not share anything that is discussed in the coaching sessions.

Where will the coaching sessions take place?

Sessions will take place online (as per the times we live in) via an online tool like Zoom or Skype. Peter will let you know.

How do I sign up?

Send Peter a mail to to start booking your coaching sessions.

How do I pay?

After you send the mail, you will receive an email with a link to pay.

How do I book and reschedule sessions?

Once we’ve received your payment, Peter will contact you and book your coaching sessions. He will also support you with rescheduling sessions if needed.

What is your cancellation policy?

Individual coaching sessions can be postponed up to one week before the session.

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